There is certainly euphoria during festive season. This is an ideal time to spend some quality time with family members. It’s a time to relax and engage in some shopping.
Normally buyers would engage in both online and offline shopping; nevertheless, the decision is not cold or logical. During festivals, a customer is blissful and cheerful and this mood is carried on to shopping. Hence, a good marketing strategy during festivals increases the sales. A good marketing plan would bring plenty of profit.
Festivals are plenty- and the right strategy is to identify those festivals. Through online marketing, one can find plenty of markets worldwide. There is certainly Christmas and New-year that the entire world celebrates. But, sticking to these universal festivals might minimize the opportunities. You might not take advantage of the global market. A simple effort in checking into festivals celebrated in other countries would certainly augment your reach. Take advantage of the diversity around the world, and start exploring different festivals and other marketing avenues.
Once you have listed out the regions and the festivals. It’s time to create an online presence through social media. Social media is where you reach your target customers. There is a huge scope in promoting various products via facebook and twitter. You can promote through making offer presentable on social media platform. Also, make it crystal clear by providing detailed description about the offer through social media. This would certainly decrease the enquiries from the potential customers. An overwhelming presence over social media would certainly help.
Your marketing campaign depends on the product that you are selling. If a product is complicated and require some assistance. It is better to provide live support. E-mail is one option you can nevrr ignore ; always send e-mail in advance to the subscribers before the festival. Also , give them a discount or something free during festivals. This would increase the subscriber. If the customer is loyal it is always a good gesture to call during the festivals.