Semelia Fat Burner

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Type: Food Supplement


Lose Weight Now with Semelia Fat Burner. Reduce weight and body measurements naturally and effortlessly.........While you sleep!

Imagine your body having the ability to flush away excess fat and toxins – whilst you sleep!!!

You don’t have to imagine. This diet seed (Semelia) cleanses your system, and dissolves the excess fat from your body as you sleep!

The remarkable benefits of this seed don’t stop there, it controls your cravings and hunger pangs so that you don’t want to eat as much (reduces smoking cravings too!!).

No Exercise – You don’t need to follow a strict exercise routine to see results. Just take the seed once every evening before you go to bed! That simple!

"A Natural Organic Product that Works with Your Body to lose Weight and Improve Your Wellbeing!”

Benefits Include:

* Cleans the intestine. 
* Reduce body fat. 
* Reduces cellulite. 
* Reduces levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. 
* Tones muscles. 
* Detoxifies your body. 
* Reduces anxiety for eating excessively. 
* Reduces anxiety for smoke. 
* Lessens hemorrhoids. 
* Cures intestinal constipation. 
* Reduces problem of arthritis. 
* Enhances better appearance of skin and hair. 
* Prevents hair loss. 
* Helps to reduce acne.

Shop Policies

Delivery Policy

Delivery time is 2-5 days, shipping is done by courier to your door. A tracking number will be given for each order.

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Orders not dispatched or returned complete and unused may be refunded.

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